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什么是CNAME什么是canonical name?
英文释义: http://www.techopedia.com/definition/1321/canonical-name-cname `Definition - What does Canonical Name (CNAME) mean?` Canonical name (CNAME) is a record in the DNS database that indicates the true host name of a computer associated with its aliases. It is essential when running multiple services from a single IP address. `Techopedia explains Canonical Name (CNAME)` A canonical name (CNAME) is a properly denoted host name of computers or a network server. **CNAMEs specify an alias or nickname for the canonical host name record in domain name systems**. CNAME records are generally defined in RFC 1034. The records within CNAME are handled in the domain name system and have restrictions on their usage. When a domain name system finds a CNAME record while searching for a regular resource record, it restarts the query using the canonical name. The canonical name that a CNAME record points to lies anywhere in the domain name system, even if it is a local or remote server in a different DNS zone. CNAME often refers to the label or left-hand part of a CNAME record. **简而言之, CNAME是canonical name的别名.** 一个规范名(canonical name)是一台计算机或网络服务器的完全标识主机名。在域名服务系统(DNS)数据库中一个CNAME为一个规范主机名记录指定一个别名或昵称。在编程时,“规范”一词的意思就是“根据规则”。DNS是在因特网中定义站点(特别是Web站点)地址的标准方法。